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Welcome to PawBill

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PawBill is a billing system for web hosts designed to automate routine tasks and free you to manage your core business.


This manual is organized into the following chapters:


Introduction: System requirements, how to get help and billing process basics
Installing PawBill: Methods of installing PawBill
Cool Wave theme overview: Basic components of the Cool Wave theme
Setting up PawBill: How to setup PawBill for the first time
Using PawBill: Day-to-day usage of PawBill
Modules: Modules supported by PawBill
Advanced Topics: Topics for power users. The topics might have a list of prerequisites



Here are some of the icons you might come across and their meaning:



Caution: Some or all of the steps could result in irrecoverable data loss or a lot of trouble to correct in future. You should take appropriate precautions such as a database backup where required or think ahead and make the right choice to save you the trouble in future.


Information: Additional information about the topic which might be useful to you but not absolutely required to perform the task.


Tip: A tip on the preferred way of doing a task. Though you can perform the task in any way that suits your requirements, this way has been found to be easier than other ways.


Prerequisites: Indicates knowledge or skills you should have in order to understand the topic



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hmtoggle_plus1 Example Expandable Section

Expandable Section Text



You might come across thumbnails of screenshots like the one shown below. You can click on the thumbnail to expand it to its original size. Clicking on the original sized image will restore it back to the thumbnail.


The admin page using the Cool Wave theme