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ResellerClub Configuration

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If you are not familiar with table windows, please read Working with table windows first.


The ResellerClub configuration window lets the admin configure settings that affect the ResellerClub module. This window has two columns - ResellerClub Config Name and ResellerClub Config Value. All the cells under ResellerClub Config Name are informational and all the cells under ResellerClub Config Value are editable. The following is a description of each row:


Mode of Operation

Choose if the module should connect to the test ResellerClub server or the live one. You can use the test server to check your setup and then move this field to live to start accepting real customer orders. Valid values are Test/Demo for the test server and Live for the live server. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.

ResellerClub Username

The username of your ResellerClub account. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

ResellerClub Password

The password of your ResellerClub account. The following panel shows up when editing this field:


Cool Wave Panel Password

ResellerClub Parent Reseller ID

The parent reseller ID of your ResellerClub account. To find the value to enter into this field, login to your ResellerClub account and navigate to Settings > Personal Information > Primary Profile. You will find the value under the field Parent Id. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

ResellerClub Customer ID

The customer ID of the account through which you would like to purchase domains. ResellerClub does not allow resellers to purchase domains directly. Hence, you will need to create a customer under your reseller account for the purpose of purchasing domains through PawBill. Enter that customer's customer ID in this field. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

ResellerClub Registrant Contact ID

You will need to create a contact in the customer account you created for the ResellerClub Customer ID field to use as the registrant contact for the domain names you purchase. Enter that contact ID here.


You can enter the same contact ID for Registrant, Admin, Tech and Billing contact ID if you would like to use the same contact information for all of them.


The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

ResellerClub Admin Contact ID

You will need to create a contact in the customer account you created for the ResellerClub Customer ID field to use as the admin contact for the domain names you purchase. Enter that contact ID here.


You can enter the same contact ID for Registrant, Admin, Tech and Billing contact ID if you would like to use the same contact information for all of them.


The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

ResellerClub Tech Contact ID

You will need to create a contact in the customer account you created for the ResellerClub Customer ID field to use as the tech contact for the domain names you purchase. Enter that contact ID here.


You can enter the same contact ID for Registrant, Admin, Tech and Billing contact ID if you would like to use the same contact information for all of them.


The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

ResellerClub Billing Contact ID

You will need to create a contact in the customer account you created for the ResellerClub Customer ID field to use as the billing contact for the domain names you purchase. Enter that contact ID here.


You can enter the same contact ID for Registrant, Admin, Tech and Billing contact ID if you would like to use the same contact information for all of them.


The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

ResellerClub Create Invoice Days

The number of days before the domain name expires when you would like to create the invoice. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.