Customer ID
A unique number identifying the customer. This field is editable only when adding a new payment. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Payment ID
A unique number identifying the payment. This field is not editable.
Transaction ID
PayPal transaction ID. This field is editable only when adding a new payment. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Subscription ID
PayPal subscription ID. This field is editable only when adding a new payment. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Payer Email
The payer's email address as reported by PayPal. This field is editable only when adding a new payment. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Payer Name
The payer's name as reported by PayPal. This field is editable only when adding a new payment. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
The amount of the payment. This field is editable only when adding a new payment. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
The status of the payment. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Any notes you wish to make as a reminder to yourself about the payment. These notes are not visible to the customer. The following panel shows up when editing this field:
![Cool Wave Panel Notes](cool wave panel notes.png)