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Email Configuration

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If you are not familiar with table windows, please read Working with table windows first.


The Email configuration window lets the admin configure settings that affect the Email module. This window has two columns - Option and Value. All the cells under Option are informational and all the cells under Value are editable. The following is a description of each row:


Send Method

The method used to send emails. Valid values are:


PHP mail function: uses the internal php mail() function
Sendmail executable: uses the sendmail binary. Send Mail Executable is mandatory if this is selected
SMTP connection: Connects to a SMTP server to send the mail. SMTP Host, SMTP Username and SMTP Password are mandatory if this is selected


The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.


The hostname of the SMTP server. This field is required if Send Method is SMTP connection. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

SMTP Username

The username used to login to the SMTP server. This field is required if Send Method is SMTP connection. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.

SMTP Password

The password used to login to the SMTP server. This field is required if Send Method is SMTP connection. The following panel shows up when editing this field:


Cool Wave Panel Password

Sendmail Executable

The location of the sendmail binary. The full path as well as the filename of  the binary is required. This field is required if Send Method is Sendmail executable. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.