Customer ID
A unique number identifying the customer. This field is editable only when adding a new account. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Account ID
A unique number identifying the account. This field is not editable.
Domain Name
Domain name of the cPanel account. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Username of the cPanel account. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Server Name
Server name on which the account has been setup. The valid values for this field are any valid server name or [Any Server] to select a server automatically based on the cPanel Server Selection method. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.
Status of the account. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.
Account Type
Shared Hosting or Reseller Hosting. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.
Any notes you wish to make as a reminder to yourself about the cPanel addon. These notes are not visible to the customer. The following panel shows up when editing this field:
The type of the item - package or addon. This field is not editable.
Package or Addon Name
The package name if type is package or the addon name if type is addon. If you are unable to edit this field, try setting Account Type first. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.
The term of the account. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.
The quantity of the addon. This field is not editable if type is package. The edit mode for this field is a textbox.
Start Date
The date of creation of the account. This field is not editable.
Create Invoice Date
The date when the next renewal invoice needs to be generated. The edit mode for this field is date.
Expiry Date
The date when the account expires. The edit mode for this field is date.
Suspend Date
The date when the account will be suspended. The edit mode for this field is date.
Delete Date
The date when the account will be deleted off the cPanel server. The edit mode for this field is date.