Take a backup of your database and note down your current version of PawBill. Also save a copy of app/config.php from your PawBill directory.
Download the latest PawBill package from the download page and then delete all the PawBill files from your server. Extract the downloaded package and upload it to the correct location on your server. Be sure to use binary mode while transferring the files using FTP.
Delete all the PawBill files before uploading the new ones
Ensure that you delete all the old files before you upload the latest files. This is so that you do not accumulate old and unnecessary files when you upgrade PawBill over time.
To start the upgrade process, you can navigate to the admin area url of your PawBill installation. This will automatically redirect you to the upgrade page. For example, if your PawBill installation URL is http://billing.yourdomain.com/, visiting http://billing.yourdomain.com/admin/index.php will redirect you to http://billing.yourdomain.com/install/upgrade/index.php which will start the upgrade process.