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cPanel Configuration

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If you are not familiar with table windows, please read Working with table windows first.


The cPanel configuration window lets the admin configure settings that affect the cPanel module. This window has two columns - cPanel Config Name and cPanel Config Value. All the cells under cPanel Config Name are informational and all the cells under cPanel Config Value are editable. The following is a description of each row:


Server Selection Method

Defines how a server is chosen when an account needs to be setup. Valid values are:


Random active server ignoring resource limits
Random active server with sufficient resources
Highest priority active server with sufficient resources
Active server with maximum available disk space
Active server with maximum available bandwidth
Active server with maximum available accounts


More details about each of these windows can be found in the cPanel Server Selection section. This value can  be modified in that section too. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.

Account Setup Method

Valid values for this field are:


Automatic account creation
Manual account creation


If automatic account creation is chosen, as soon as a payment is received, the cPanel module will attempt to setup the account on the server.


In manual account creation mode, once payment is received, the cPanel module will move the account into pending staff input status. Only once the admin moves the account into pending setup status, the cPanel module will proceed to setup the account on the server. The edit mode for this field is a dropdown list.